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Flextronics International



Sanyo Cell Phone Repair Tech

Offered to help automate certain repair processes that would be practical, efficient,

inexpensive to implement, and could save tens of thousands of dollars yearly in labor

repair costs.

Offered designs and ideas that would automate the removal and replacement of certain

cell phone circuit components thus speeding up the repair process, improving the

quality of the repair and lowering the overall cost of repair for each cell phone needing

certain of these type repairs.


Printer Repair Tech

Submitted ideas that would inexpensively improve the speed of repairs and improve the

attitudes of the printer repair technicians.

Requested small bright hands free lighting tools for seeing in narrow dark places inside

Printers.  Recommended workstation workspace table extensions that would allow for

the repair of 2 printers at the same time instead of one per technician thus eliminating a

lot of wait time between running printer tests and performing repairs.  Recommended

that all harvested parts used for repair of printers be tested, cleaned & that the test

results documentation be delivered to repair techs with the parts in question.



Kimball International



Information Systems Coordinator

Saved the corporation over $100,000.00 yearly in IS technical labor costs.

Savings was accomplished by performing the job functions & responsibilities of 3

other technical people who either quit or were let go just before I started to work there.

The afore mentioned work load was in addition to my own job function and responsibilities.


Rewarded for outstanding performance of duties while working at Borden Kimball

International facility.

Received one time pay increase of approximately $2.00 per hour in less than one year.

Offered letter of recommendation upon submitting letter of resignation and 2 week

notice from my immediate supervisor.



Humana Inc.



IS Technician/Network Administrator

Saved company over $120,000.00 in labor costs alone every year in just one area of

responsibility while at the same time surpassing my supervisors expectations of my job


Saved Humana Inc. $30,000.00 every quarter while employed there by providing the

network administration services in-house that was previously being outsourced before I began

working there.  Network administration was performed by myself in addition to my

other work responsibilities.


IS Technician/Network Administrator/Project Manager

Provided Unprecedented Quality of Service

Responded to trouble/service request calls from hundreds of individuals from multiple

Departments at the Main St. Humana Inc. building on a weekly basis and resolved said

calls much faster than the Humana corporate help desk call center.  Only about 15% of

all trouble/service calls received by me and responded to my me required additional

technical expertise and escalation to the Tier II help desk center while I was working as


Rewarded for outstanding performance of duties while working at Borden Kimball

International facility.

Received one time pay increase of approximately $2.00 per hour in less than one year.

Offered letter of recommendation upon submitting letter of resignation and 2 week

notice from my immediate supervisor.



Knight College Resource Group



Software Engineer

Developed a process by which work ethic & team work improved significantly without

management intervention.

Created, "Conflict Identification and Problem Resolution Guide and Procedures

for team members in our department.  The guide showed team or departmental

personnel how to work on a one on one, two on one, or in a small group to quickly

identify conflicts or potential conflicts, address team concerns and for the most part

with few exceptions work out a win-win solution.  This process took place without

management intervention.


Created a System by which team members could more easily manage and track the

progress of their own work load and coordinate team efforts more effectively and


Created an easy to understand and use windows menu driven "Daily Process & Project

Status Reporting & Tracking Database System" in Foxpro 2.6 that enabled all team

members in our department to document any process or project, track, and print reports

of the status & details of any project that any team member was working on. This

system was created before MS Project became easy to use, affordable, popular, user

securable and practical for groups on networks.



Bob Cook Builders




Received bonus's for hard work ethic and fast completion of jobs.

Worked 16 hour days, 6 days a week building pole barns, garages, and houses.

Frequently received weekly bonus for jobs completed ahead of schedule and

below budget.



Perifix Plastics Co.




Achieved 2nd shift management position in less than 3 months while still attending high

school classes during the day.

Promoted from hopper supplier for injection molding machines to Foreman of second

shift operations in less than 3 months.